Solid state power + tube pre or visa versa?

Over the decades I've run solid state preamps with tube power amps and the other way around without being able to say which combination is necessarily always going to be better. I'm about to replace an entire system lost on a flood and find myself wondering at a recommendation that the combination of solid state preamp with tube power amp is ALWAYS better. Wanting to reduce my shortlist of potential amps I wonder if anyone has has a theory as to why these claims are made, a scientific one that is.
At the moment my short list is headed by the same Leban preamp I lost with a pair of bi-amped solid state power amps. Any thoughts?
Speakers are yet to be considered - I know - I should audition them first then choose amplification . All I know for sure is they WONT be horn loaded and highly efficient. Something like the top KEF's reference series maybe.
For the kefs ss amp for sure.

Speakers will determine which power amp works best. That's the second thing to get right. 1st is speakers that work well in the room. It's that simple.
Listen to the speakers first. They influence the sound you will hear the most. Second imo would be the preamp. Ask the speaker mfgr. What they used to voice the speakers and what they recommend.

As far as tubes or solid state there are tens of thousands of combinations that would sound great! No right or wrong there. It is up to you and your unique preferences and budget.
I think you have that backwards. A tube preamp with a solid state power amp is the preferred combination. When is the last time you have seen a hybrid integrated with the power amp section tubes and the preamp section solid state?