B&W 'New' 800 Series

I've reviewed the TAS Factory Tour and the 802 D3 details and am impressed with all improvements; and the common sense used.
I also find the new styling very intelligent related to dispersion. Comments?
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@Jkalman, if the number of pharmaceutical ads on TV these days is any indication, I'd say you're right!

All kidding aside, according to the CDC more than 20% of all Americans is on 3 different prescriptions, and more than 10% is on at least 5. That's scary.

Ok...back to enjoyable speaker talk...
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Hello Bo1972,

I was on the very same presentation of the B&W 802 D3 last weekend and I was also wondering why it sounds so bad, very disappointing.
Room was indeed not the best.
Will listen to 803D3 next week, so hopefully that will be more satisfying as this event.