Phono Interconnect

Can anyone recommend a decent phono cable from the TT to my Integrated. I have a Pro-Ject RM5SE and a PrimaLuna Dialogue Premium integrated equipped with a phono stage. Looking to enhance my listening experience as just recently got into vinyl. Not wanting a really high dollar cable just one that is a great bang for the buck.
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Sam, you should indicate what cartridge you are using. I see that the phono stage in your integrated amplifier is intended for high output cartridges, and the tonal balance in the treble region of high output cartridges (moving magnet and high output moving coil types) is sensitive to load capacitance. More often than not the capacitance of the cable will be the most significant contributor to the load capacitance seen by the cartridge. (Unfortunately the input capacitance of your particular phono stage does not appear to be specified).

Also let us know the length of the cable that you would be purchasing, as its capacitance will be directly proportional to its length.

-- Al
AL as usual very good questions. My cartridge is a high output MC Sumiko Blue Point #2 mounted on a 9" carbon fiber tonearm. Here is the specs of the phono stage:

RIAA accuracy: <0,5B 20Hz - 20kHz
Input Impedance: 50 kOhm Overload Margin: >20dB rel 5mV
Gain: 42dB (127x) Harmonic Distortion & noise: -83dB
Frequency Response: 10Hz - 50kHz Size: 3,2 x 3,8 cm (1.26" x 1.5")

Also I am looking for 1-1.5 meter IC.

Blue Jeans cable makes a fine low capacitance cable, LC-1. The specs are outstanding and as Al noted the length is a critical factor.
Thanks Sam. The cartridge manual states as follows:
If your receiver or pre-amp has capacitance loading capabilities, a Sumiko high output moving coil cartridges should be loaded with a value no higher than 200pf, and ideally below 100pf.
Unfortunately that statement is somewhat ambiguous as to whether it is referring just to the input capacitance of the phono stage, based on some unstated assumption as to the capacitance of the phono cable, or if it is referring to the total of all of the capacitances that are involved (cable, phono stage, turntable wiring, and connectors, with the capacitance of the cable typically being the most significant factor, as I mentioned).

Cables utilizing Mogami 2549 or 2534 provide excellent shielding and noise rejection (important in a phono application), and are widely used in pro applications as Bdp24 noted. You can find 2534-based RCA cables in 3 foot and 6 foot lengths here. I would categorize their capacitance, though, as being moderate rather than particularly low.

As Tgrisham indicated, Blue Jeans LC-1 has very low capacitance, and is also well shielded.

Given the uncertainties about the specifications that are involved, my instinct would be to go with Mogami if a 3 foot length is adequate. If 5 or 6 feet is necessary, I suspect that the somewhat higher capacitance of the Mogami would produce a slightly brighter sound in the mid treble region than the Blue Jeans, while the low capacitance of the Blue Jeans would result in slightly greater extension in the uppermost treble.

Unfortunately the capacitances of many of the other cables that have been suggested don't seem to be specified, although I haven't looked at all of them. But given your preference for bang for the buck, Mogami or Blue Jeans may be more logical choices anyway.

BTW, as Effischer indicated the separate ground connection that is probably necessary between the turntable and the integrated amp can be implemented with any ordinary piece of insulated hookup wire, assuming the gauge is not so narrow that the wire becomes fragile.

-- Al
I tried Mogami 2534 as an RCA and didn't like it (bottom end sounded funny. I've heard the 2534 is great for balanced interconnects.

Here is what I have for sale if anyone is interested:
