HDCD Transport to non HDCD dac

Hello All,

I have a question. If you have a CD transport that decodes HDCD going to a dac that is not HDCD will you still get the sound benefits of the HDCD? Please let me know.
No. If you are using the digital out the quality will be the same as redbook.
No, but I wouldn't base a purchase decision on it. Its nice to have, but its not that popular and doesn't make that big of a difference. (At least for me.)

It does make quite a bit of difference, I have a cdp that you can switch it in and out on the fly, that subs it for the very highly regarded DF1704 chip.
If I put one of Professor Keith Johnsons "Reference Recordings" on, which are nearly all HDCD, you can hear the difference straight away, as in depth and the ambience of the venue it was recorded in.

Here is a list of HDCD that are marked, there are nearly just as many that are not marked HDCD, you only know when the HDCD light comes on your cdp or dac.


Cheers George