Phono Interconnect

Can anyone recommend a decent phono cable from the TT to my Integrated. I have a Pro-Ject RM5SE and a PrimaLuna Dialogue Premium integrated equipped with a phono stage. Looking to enhance my listening experience as just recently got into vinyl. Not wanting a really high dollar cable just one that is a great bang for the buck.
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Al ok agree that a short distance should be fairly slight so both would probably suffice my needs at the moment.

I know this hobby can drive us nuts and I am a firm believer that power cords and interconnects can make a substantial difference in sound. However, I'm new to the vinyl world and wasn't sure how much affect a phono cable would make? In my setup I wouldn't think too much (I'm usually wrong lol) because the rest of my cabling is pretty darn good or I feel it is. A local buddy of mine has a high dollar Audio Research system and thinks the Monster phono cable in its own right is good but being the skeptic us audiophiles are I am searching for something that is a cut above.
Tablejockey I may decide to go the separate phono route once I get used to the Pro-Ject RM5SE. Thanks for your insight :) The Jolida JD-9 MKII is on my shortlist.
Check out the Quicksilver Audio silver interconnects (150.00) . I used them years ago and they were damn good!
Sam, proceed with caution. Particularly if you're expecting a WOW moment. Also consider a used phono amp that retailed for 1 k+.
Get it for $5-600. More food for thought-tubed to compliment the already. Fine amp and next level up cart ie LOMC.