Peachtree Audio Nova - No subwoofer connection

I just switched from speakers (Martin Logan Ethos) needing no subwoofer to a pair of monitors (Reference 3A MMC Serie) which have an advertised lower limit of 40-42 Hz. This is fine for most of our listening but there are occasions, like when watching movies, when additional bass would be nice. I have a Polk Audio Micropro 4000 which seems very capable but the Nova has no dedicated connection for a sub. I talked to a Peachtree technician who said the only way to connect a sub is to use a splitter at the RCA pre-out connection dividing the signal between the Peachtree 220 amp and the sub. I tried this before and, of course, the sub works fine but it changes the overall sound in a not good way.....and I'm not good at judging minor changes.

I also use the Behringer Ultracurve 2496 in the system and separating the signal this way bypasses the sub's signal from the equalizer so auto room adjustments won't include the range of frequencies that would be produced by the sub. I suppose that if there was a dedicated sub out connection the result would be no different. Because base frequencies, though, are a big part of adjustments for the purpose of room equalization, this is a problem.

Because the 2496 has an unbalanced 1/4" aux out" it crossed my mind that it could be used for a sub. The manual doesn't seem to address this and I've not found discussions about this on the Internet. I've also not been unable to establish communication with Behringer for their help.

There's a good chance that I'm off base on some of these assumptions about this all works but if anyone has suggestions that might help with this dilemma it would be much appreciated.
Good news, Jim! Thanks for the update.

Another reason you may have been hesitant to accept the idea of a splitter might be the many negative comments about them you may have seen here in the past. Although on occasion positive ones do appear.

My belief, though, from a technical standpoint and also based on having used them at times over the years, is that the adverse effects people often seem to report as a result of using them are in most cases due to the inability of the component providing the signal to simultaneously drive two sets of cables and the two specific load impedances with good results. Rather than being caused by the splitter or y-adapter itself. And/or failure to realize, in situations where a preamp output is split to drive both a power amp and a sub, that the capacitance of the cable to the sub as well as the input impedance of the sub will affect the signal seen by the power amp. To a degree that may or may not be significant depending on the specific numbers that are involved.

As I indicated earlier, though, those factors don't appear to be applicable in your specific situation.

Best regards,
-- Al
Yes, now I'll have to learn how to best adjust the sub to mate with my new speakers. I'll be starting a new thread on that subject soon.
Al, which way is better / safer/ better sounding? Splitting the rca output on the pre amp or just running speaker cables to the sub?

Also, can we run them straight from the amp or do we need to run them from the speakers?

Im in the same boat as I'm considering a sub but knly have one set of outputs on my Schiit Asgard, which I'm currently using as my pre...
B_limo, it's hard to say which approach would be better in your case. I suspect that either one would work reasonably well.

I assume you are referring to the Asgard 2, as the earlier version does not appear to have provided pre-outs. Although I suspect that the <2 ohm output impedance spec that is provided for the Asgard 2 applies just to the headphone output, not to the pre-outs. But I would expect that the pre-outs on that unit probably also have fairly low output impedance, and the input impedance of the Classe CA-150 amplifier listed in your system description (assuming you are still using it) is a high 75K. So even if the input impedance of the sub's line level inputs is fairly low, as is often the case, the Asgard 2 most likely would have no trouble driving both components. And hopefully the cables you would be using to connect the sub and the Classe to the Asgard if you went with the line-level approach would not be unusually long.

In making those comments about the line-level approach I'm assuming, of course, either that the sub provides line-level inputs for two channels, or that you would be using two subs. If the sub also provides speaker-level inputs for two channels, or if you would be using two subs which provide speaker-level inputs, connecting at speaker level should also work well. And some would say connecting at speaker level is preferable because the sonic character of the amplifier would be reflected in the signals received by the sub as well as the main speakers. Some would also say that connecting at speaker level is preferable because it avoids the use of a splitter, but see the comments in my previous post relating to that.

Also, although it's probably not applicable in your case, be aware that special considerations come into play when connecting at speaker-level if the amplifier is bridged, or has balanced outputs, or is a pair of monoblocks. And as you've seen earlier in this thread, in the case of certain class D amplifiers.

Regarding the choice between connection of the sub to the amp outputs or to the speaker terminals, it may not make much difference but my instinct would be to connect to the amp outputs. Conceivably that could be beneficial by reducing the amount of "back-emf" generated by the speaker drivers that could find its way into the sub. On the other hand, though, it is conceivable that doing so might increase the amount of electrical noise generated by the sub's amplifier that would couple into the feedback loop of the main amplifier, assuming it has a feedback loop, so who knows? As I say, it may not make any difference either way.

So I suspect that both a line-level approach and a speaker-level approach would work in a reasonable manner in your case. My instinct, especially if I am correct in assuming that the amp is not bridged, balanced, monoblock, or class D, would be to go with the speaker-level method, connecting to the amp output terminals. But when and if practicable consider trying the splitter approach as well, and comparing results.

Best regards,
-- Al

Your Peachtree Nova likely does not have a common ground design amplifier. The plate amp in your subwoofer likely does. Connecting your speaker level outputs to the sub would create a direct short between channels on your Peachtree with amp failure as a potential result.