here is my delima............

I have a cj - 2500a, cj - pv 12, alon 4's,rotel 975. i have tube rolled my brains out, settling for amperex nos. I use tara labs vector 2's between the power and pre, ive tried different ic from audio art, to morrow, to audioquest for the other components, one makes the sound to thin, one makes the bass to boomy, I cant seem to get it just right. i use axiom tri wired speaker cable. the problem is i have this mid range, mid bass vacuum that i cant seem to get rid of. i wonder if my system is starting to degrade, after all it is an older system. or is this a product of lets say the speaker or amp/pre manufacture design. i did read some where that the older alons had a problem with the midrange on some of their speakers. just about every thing i could think of to remedy this problem but all i get is back to square one. i did recently have my local power compy come out and was told my box was only 100 amps. i did some calling around on that and was told my house could be under powered, which is just as bad. i have noticed that when i am playing my system and the heater comes on, the sound degrades. and i do notice the fluctuation like others in bad areas in sound from lets say 11:00 to midnight maybe(peak time) this hole in my midrange is not always there, it varies from day to day and time. i do notice that as i turn up the volume i tends to get worse. ive tried replacing all the drivers in my alons, but that lasted for just a while and then the problem came back. also when i turn up the volume, i get very little gain past say 11:00, after that the sound quality gets terrible. any help at all would be very much appreciated..............
Hi Kennesawjet-
I just saw this thread and was interested to know how it worked out, as I had dealt with similar issues last year. Did you resolve the issues you had?
ddrave44, the problem seem to stem from the tara lab cables. one day I separated all my cables as far away from each other as possible, and the sound improved drasticly. I remove certain units from the wall socket and used an extension cord to route them to other areas in the basement. this cleaned the sound up and fixed my midrange problem as well. now I don't have to turn up the sound as loud to get a pleasing return. I guess by the way the tara labs are designed, (hollow tubing) placement is evey essential. its like your spark plug wires in your car arcing, also I got rid of the morrows I had on there, this helped as well... seem to compete with the taralabs.
Hi Kennesawjet, I'm glad you worked it out. Thanks for the info on the Tara cables.
The reason I asked was because I had a "missing" midrange problem too. In my case it had to do with the jumpers I was using on my speakers. The speakers have separate treble/ bass-mid posts to bi-wire. I used a single speaker cable run and then jumpers.

I was losing too much with the jumpers causing the problem. It was only when I went to Siltech Gen 5 jumpers that the midrange lull was much less. Later I put on some Siltech 7th Generation 770L jumpers and the problem completely resolved.
All the best.