What would you do?

I happen to have proof that a fairly well known American boutique audio audio company routinely and brazenly shill bids its auctions for audio equipment. Knowledge of this fraud and so many people being ripped off troubles me. Thoughts?
Really - an educated consumer should not be ripped off by shill bidders. When I bid on something, which is rare, I know the top price I want to pay and stick to it. It's not a contest, it's an auction. If someone wants to shill it higher, they can have it. Yes, I understand that in a legit auction, I may have gotten the item for less than my top bid, but if I get it for within my bid range, I'm OK with it. Shill bidding is a risk of ANY auction anywhere and if you can't live with that, there are plenty of fixed price listings. Personally, I think you should either spit it out or walk away. You're devoting far to much time to this thing. IMO.