TUBE AMP LOVERS - What SS amp makes you smile???

I'm looking for input from tube amp lovers that have switched from tube to solid state amplifiers and not looked back.

What tube amp did you move on from?

What SS amp provided the same level of musicality, keeping you smiling for the long-haul?

As time goes on, top of the line electronics are abandoning their colored sound in favor of neutrality. Today's best electronics are meeting in the middle ground where perfection lies. I too have Ayre electronics and you really can't tell from which camp it was born.
"As time goes on, top of the line electronics are abandoning their colored sound in favor of neutrality."

How would you define neutrality? Without some type of reference, how do you know the "colored" sound isn't closer to actual event?
mated to a tube pre-amp (Atmasphere) and all tubed phono stage (23 tubed NVO). Now this makes me smile!