Your experience as Yamamoto owner?


I'm interested in Yamamoto amps, likely the 45-based A-08S or the 2A3 A-011. There is very little info I found here and elsewhere online about these amps, and asking Yamamoto thru e-mail I have gotten no answer. Makes me wonder what to expect in terms of post sales service if I don't even get an answer when asking towards a sale?

So wondering what's the experience of the owners out there? Do you contact Yamamoto or someone else?

Anyone knows where to find user manuals online? Specifically I need to understand what kind of speaker impedance these are designed for, as there is only one set of speaker outputs. Or maybe there are different taps internally for different impedances and one can manually set it?

Thank you!
Hi Lewinskih01,
This may not be terribly helpful as I don't own one of their amps but I'm a more than pleased owner of the YDA-1 DAC a gorgeous and fantastic sounding piece of equipment. Regarding the amps sorry to hear that your inquiries were not answered but a few thoughts.

Of the 2 amps you mentioned the A-08S puts out 2 watts and the A-011 4 watts so regardless of what the intended impedance is you're pretty limited to high impedance high sensitivity speakers from the get go. The writeup for the specifically mentions Altecs and Lowthers.

I found an image of the manual for building the A-08S kit here:

That shows the schematic for the amp. All in all it's such a simple design I can't imagine needing much in the way of post sales service. Either way I hope it works out for you and eager to hear what you think of a Yammie amp if you do end up picking one up.
I owned the A-08s for about one year and paired it with 102db ZuAudio Definitions. At that time there was a US distributor (I forget the name), but the amplifier never needed service. Eventually and although I enjoyed it a lot, I decided that I wanted a bit more power. Srajan (6Moons) also owned an A-08s and wrote about it extensively I have always found Srajan responsive, and he might be a good place to start.
The 6moons review is here very extensive with great pics:

And the link I sent you earlier was from the German importers website which is quite good. The previous US importer was I believe Venus Hifi and I think they are now out of business.
And the 6moons link I gave you starts on the second page sorry here it is from the beginning.