I ran the same comparison again. I prefer the ODSE to the Berkeley with my Burmester preamp. With the Rowland pre-amp I think I like the Berk better, but it's close. There was a bigger difference in how much better the Emm was over the ODSE then the Berkely Ref. I just felt the ODSE gave a more realistic representation of what was recorded. Though I preferred piano on the Berk Ref a tad more tonally, the actual sound of the piano was more real on the ODSE.
The Aurender is clearly superior to my Mac Mini. That's great to see. It was sort of bothering me that I couldn't find something better. But the N10 really needed tons of hours on it to get there. And I'll bet there's more to get as it hits 1000 hours. I'm near 520 now I think. The Double Bass on the N10 gives texture and tone as if the sound is emanating from the instrument, with resonance and palpability. Drums hit with a sense of natural impact and resonate properly. And vocals and piano are just right. I just need to get me ears on the YFS server to compare the two and I will be buying myself a new music server.
Finally, the HF Ultra Ref Helix uber power cord.... That heavy magnet in the middle is a PiTa. I would imagine a wire tie to the rack column would be the best solution. Plugged in and brand new, it gives more volume at the same setting and immediately helped define images in space a tad better. The base flattened out a bit, which I have found with many new out of box power cords. Midrange mellowed a touch as well. Practically useless first impressions. Needs time. I want to call HF and ask if the top tier needs to be implemented for the lower current front end gear, or if that giant magnet is best suited for the high current amp draw. Not sure if I'll get an honest answer.....