McIntosh has always been a leader in solid state amplification, and they have moved recently from the double balanced to the much more expensive quad balanced designs. I see them continuing to push the engineering forward for there solid state amps of the future. So, I am not disappointed by JC’s statements, his designs have had no personal effect on me or my system. That’s my choice indeed, It is all about the company you choose to get behind. I for one don’t like mass produced junk, or expensive products that don’t hold the test of time. John Curl and Parasound...(way overpriced IMO) . Also, Class D amps are not the future for true audiophile systems, class D amps are used in specialty type situations. For instance Multi channel home theater recievers, car audio amps, sub woofers, wireless speakers. I have never heard a full range class D amp that I could listen to loud for more than a minute! The words, Harsh, uninvolving, abrasive, hammering come to mind, really.
Matt M