What's your favorite lyric from a song?

Just curious what stays with people...
Bdp24, stop with the facts! A large percentage of our domestic population lives in a fact free void. Facts are seen as something the liberal biased media tries for gottcha' moments.
Facts courtesy of the strictly unbiased news media and truth only a certainly kind of adult can handle. Like I said, bitterly ironic. What was the slogan? "If you aren't outraged, you aren't paying attention." Hahaha. I'm laughing bitterly.

But what the heck, given how large a portion of the population is living in that fact free void, Hillary will probably get elected and then re-elected giving you and your ilk another 8 years to bring us that worker's paradise y'all been dreaming about.

Bdp - skin color has nothing to do with it. I'm opposed to socialist domestic policy regardless of its author's race, gender or political party.
Oh no, I didn't intend to insinuate that skin color had anything to do with it (whether or not it does is an entirely different matter). But the President blamed for many things not actually of his making (the "Socialist domestic policy" in this country certainly didn't originate in the past seven years, but that's too complicated a subject to be discussing here, fer cryin' out loud!) does happen to be half-black (that he is called black when he is equally white just proves that racism in this country is still alive and well, all protestations to the contrary aside). Whenever I see a situation wherein that happens, I think of that episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm. It seemed like a perfect opportunity to quote it!