Be honest please

Do you look down on people that participate on audio websites and brag about dumpster diving to find audio gear or finding gear at the Salvation Army?
I think AL is the rockstar actually in his secret identity of mild mannered EE. 😉
John421-If that gear(NAD/JVC) is enough for you, that's great. For most of us on Agon we value sound quality over cost. FWIW someone that frequently quotes what something costs(expensive or inexpensive} has "assclown" tattooed on the forehead!
Al, you are, as ever, an honorable gentleman. Though it would have been fun to learn of the whereabouts of....Smelvis Dresley:-)
my only question is, after having gone through the early hi-fi era with Fisher and Scott electronics, just how good IS a refurbished Fisher 500c tube FM receiver?
It's a great looking piece and i know the tuner is quite good at pulling in stations,
but can it compete with a "modern" tube component under let's say $2000.?
Fisher made an awesome integrated tube amp as well, but even re-capped etc.
how good would it sound through a really good pair of speakers (up to $5K for ex.)?
as for Pioneer solid state it sounded good on the record players and acoustic suspension speakers for those olden times, especially on R & Roll, with lot's of dynamics and bass, so in the proper context, YES the old stuff was quite good.
Bottom line- if it works perfectly, then it's 10X better than a finicky modern component that needs to be babied (pre-warm up, doesn't like certain cables,
is as hot as an oven to touch, needs a special stand, and has to go back to the factory after 3 years for an expensive repair, etc.).