VPI Belt types

I have an original VPI Aries Extended with a JMW-12 arm and a Super Platter. The drive belt being used is the clear/white variety. Only one drive belt in use.

Does anyone have experience with other varieties of drive belts? What is the difference, it any?
There are black belts available as well as the clearish ones. I found that the black ones "feel" more flexible when handled. They are supposed to be quieter some report. My listening room/head/ears are too noisy to be sure of that. I think VPI supplies the black ones on all tables now.
McMaster-Carr carries custom made o-ring/drive belts in a variety of materials.
If you want to upgrade, the Super Platter should be replaced with a Classic....major improvement. Belts ..not nearly so much...You probably won't even notice a difference at all.
There's a guy on eBay selling "VPI" belts. It's pretty much a 36.1" o-ring. $15 shipped. He offers a money back guarantee.