Tube preamp for under $3000

I am looking for some suggestions for a tube pre to mate with my Pass 250.5 amp and Ascendo C8 Renaissance speakers. I would like it to lean toward the tube sound side. Any suggestions?
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Thanks for the suggestions. Since I have not heard any of these pre amps can you give me a sonic signature of them? As I stated I would prefer a more tube like sound.
If you mean a warm, more forgiving tonal balance, then I think something from Conrad Johnson Premier series has to be in the mix. Perhaps others can compare models.

Also, rolling tubes will help you fine tune according to preference so something with common tubes 12AX7, 12AU7 or 6922/6DJ8 would allow plenty of tube choices after purchase. Cheers,
how do you like the pass 250.5 I'm trying to get either a new modwright or a vtl 2.2 my self
I love the 250.5 and really would like to hear how it sounds with a tube front end. Anyone have an opinion on BAT preamps? There is a VK 51 se and VK 5i listed now.