I would likely move up to the Olympica 3 from Sonus so as they are not as bass deficient as the other speakers listed. That being said, the Sonus Faber's have a distinctly different sound signature in comparison to other speakers you listed. All the other speakers mentioned present a more forward sound that gives great immediacy and very present sound. The Sonus are more a bit further back but still provide an excellent level of performance that draws the listener in.
I would suggest to listen the SF's first only to determine if that is the sound your looking for. If you find it too non involving, then its clear the other three speakers would likely suit you better. I might add in the Kef Reference 5 or Blade 2 in your listening sessions as they are a bit even handed on the treble as compared to the Focal, but without any loss in resolution or soundstaging. But listen to the SF's first just to get a feel for their style of sound.
I would suggest to listen the SF's first only to determine if that is the sound your looking for. If you find it too non involving, then its clear the other three speakers would likely suit you better. I might add in the Kef Reference 5 or Blade 2 in your listening sessions as they are a bit even handed on the treble as compared to the Focal, but without any loss in resolution or soundstaging. But listen to the SF's first just to get a feel for their style of sound.