Calling all SET fans

What is the least expensive, aka cheapest speaker available
that will do a decent job on classical chamber music on 3-8
watts ?
I've never heard the Tektons but for chamber music, which implies less dynamic range than full orchestral pieces, I think the Ref 3a monitors deserve a serious look. With no real "crossover", they put most of the wattage to work. I would also look at Coincident monitors.
Gang, my question now just boils down to the amp.
The Dynamo looks like a winner and I have NOS Mullard 5U4G and 5ARF on hand but the EL 34's have on hand are pull-outs from old Dynaco 70"s and the Russian "reissues" may be great and all by MY ears just don't believe it.
I have heard the Almarro A205 quite a bit and was very impressed , plus I know from many back in the day trials my ears much prefer EL84's to EL34's , and I have NOS prima EL84's on hand but will the extra 2 watts of the Dynamo make a diff ?
Thanks Swamp, I have access to some Omega 3xr with the hemp drivers ,I 'll try those before I buy any other speakers .