What's a contender to an Audio Reference 5 SE?

If you were considering an Audio Reference 5 SE to mate with a Plinius SA-Reference amp, what other preamps might you consider?
I give another example; a cello has a very wide palette in diversity in sound. Pass labs poweramps can give you a very natural palette in the mid freq.

When you listen to many tube amps and pre amps you create often a pleasant sound. People discribe it as warm and musical.

But is it very natural and realsitic? In many situations it is not. Don't see this as negative. People are still free to prefer a more warm sound.

When we listen to tube amps and pre amps we ofen audition that the low, mid and highe freq. sound pleasant and but all the same. So when you test and compare it on deversity of the middle freq it is less complete and natural.

This part you will understand when you owned and tested many Pass Labs power amps.

There is a test of the new Pass Labs XS-300. The person who writes it says: it is better than any tube power amp. The reason why he writes this, is that it is more complete.

When I give a demo with a set what is more complete, people get exited about the sound a lot more. Because all the different parts influences our emotion.

Music is all about emotion. So audio is!

11-17-15: Timztunz
@Georgelofi You are 100% correct sir. IF I keep the EMM Labs gear I have no need of a separate preamp. However, I'm contemplating moving away from that gear, in which case I will be in the market for a pre and a CD/SACD player.

Many cdp/dacs these days have the same output and volume adjustability as the EMM gear, and are just as capable of driving the amp direct as well.
Wait to see what you replace the EMM stuff with first as this will lead you in the right direction, for now just listen to the EMM direct.

Cheers George
The Plinius has a balanced input. Here is a brief list that might suit:

Atma-Sphere MP-1 or MP-3
BAT Vk51
Einstein 'the Tube'
Allnic L5000DHT

You are not limited to balanced operation however- preamps that easily keep up with the ARC:

Atma-Sphere UV-1
Cary SLP98

Have fun!
The thing in audio is; when you focus and test many different tools at different price levels you will find out that over 95% of all products in audio is not that special or worth it's money.

When you fully focus on quality there are many products which are inferior compared to the best. These products are still being sold. I always have been amazed about all those products which are just average.