What music do you use to audition equipment/cables

Which album/track do you use & why..?
I use the Brahms Clarinet Quintet Op 115 with the great Thea King on Hyperion as a gatekeeper.
If something can't reproduce the lovely harmonic interplay Of Thea's Clarinet with the Gabriela Qt strings its nothing I want . Not to mention Op 115 is about as serenely beautiful as music gets .

Many years ago an old-timer told me listening to audience applause was a good way to test speakers .It is .
11-16-15: Schubert
I use the Brahms Clarinet Quintet Op 115 with the great Thea King on Hyperion....
Great recording, Schubert! I have it also.

Best regards,
-- Al
Audience applause? Well, if someone can distinguish male and female applause, then it is a hell of a recording and a hell of a system. That's one of the things that the old- timer meant, I am sure. He was right.
I use a number of tracks, but one that always works is----Low Spark of High Heeled Boys---Traffic
Very strong suggestions as above guys.

Mine- Jamie Cullum- twentysomething CD/SACD, Verve 2004.

play the whole album to get its "feel" The best track "Frontin'" also the last track wraps up a sweet listening session, IMO.

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!