What music do you use to audition equipment/cables

Which album/track do you use & why..?
Sure that is clear but I have to ask do you listen to your system and get lost for hours or do you constantly play the same tracks over and over or just play certainly parts of songs because they are the best a showcasing your systems abilities? I find the approach of using certain tracks to audition gear a bit strange. When I audition a new piece of equipment I listen to music I actually enjoy and if I forget the new piece of gear is in my system because I am lost In the moment I consider buying it. If I obsess over certain tracks thinking about things like sound stage or macrodynamics trying to quantify what I like or dislike about it, I pack it up and return or sell it. I know far to many audio enthusiasts who have great systems but end up on the gear swap merry go round because they are always listening for the "differences". That is nothing but agony. Use the music you love, if it draws you In you have a winner, if you start over thinking it cut and run. I know my answer was not what you had anticipate when you started the thread and for that I apologize, I should have just abstained. Good luck.
I use the Brahms Clarinet Quintet Op 115 with the great Thea King on Hyperion as a gatekeeper.
If something can't reproduce the lovely harmonic interplay Of Thea's Clarinet with the Gabriela Qt strings its nothing I want . Not to mention Op 115 is about as serenely beautiful as music gets .

Many years ago an old-timer told me listening to audience applause was a good way to test speakers .It is .
11-16-15: Schubert
I use the Brahms Clarinet Quintet Op 115 with the great Thea King on Hyperion....
Great recording, Schubert! I have it also.

Best regards,
-- Al
Audience applause? Well, if someone can distinguish male and female applause, then it is a hell of a recording and a hell of a system. That's one of the things that the old- timer meant, I am sure. He was right.