Best near wall high end speaker

Unfortunately I have a situation where I need a floorststanding pair of loudspeakers that are fine situated very close(inches) from the back wall. They also need to be in the appx 12" wide category as well as depth.. Budget up to 10k list. Really need some good ideas.
In addition to the Duette, the Von Schweikert Vortex VR35 is also made to work within inches of the back wall. Best of luck.
I am extremely happy with my Larsen speakers. I originally purchased a pair or Larsen 6s and later upgraded to the larger 8s. These speakers are designed to be placed right smack against the wall and sound great. The 8s extend down to 23Hz and list for under $7K (I think). The smallest Larsen speaker, the 4, lists for less than $2K.
I agree with the others - this is not a good idea, you'll have two dimensional sound. $10k for this application makes little sense, just get something for $2k or so.