Best near wall high end speaker

Unfortunately I have a situation where I need a floorststanding pair of loudspeakers that are fine situated very close(inches) from the back wall. They also need to be in the appx 12" wide category as well as depth.. Budget up to 10k list. Really need some good ideas.
The Wilson Audio Duette (version 1) is designed for near-wall or free standing application (the version 2, current model, is ONLY for wall placement).
There is a pair for sale (here) for $5,500 but without stands.
I'm sure Mr. Wilson would be happy to sell you the stands.
Hope this helps.
So 12" wide and 12" deep, up against the wall. Hmmm. Soundstage depth will be limited, but you will have generous boundary reinforcement, which can be beneficial if the speakers are designed to take advantage of it.

Can you tell us the approximate room dimensions? How close to the corners will the speakers be? Is this room open into other rooms (open floorplan)? Tubes or solid state?


In addition to the Duette, the Von Schweikert Vortex VR35 is also made to work within inches of the back wall. Best of luck.