I was just reading about the cool EE amp. It uses one of the triode sections for the input gain stage which then goes to the other triode section of the other tube to split the phase of the signal. The signal is then recombined in typical push pull fashion in the pentode sections of each tube. At least that's how I think I am reading it.
This phase splitting is the most crucial part of a push pull amp and if not done perfectly can diminish the sound quality of a push pull amp. i think in one of Shindos amps they split phase with an interstage tranny. Al might be able to better comment on the strengths and weaknesses of plitting phase with a tranny vs tube. Jet
This phase splitting is the most crucial part of a push pull amp and if not done perfectly can diminish the sound quality of a push pull amp. i think in one of Shindos amps they split phase with an interstage tranny. Al might be able to better comment on the strengths and weaknesses of plitting phase with a tranny vs tube. Jet