Favorite CD treatment Products

Has anyone out there tried/compared CD treatment products such as the Auric Illuminator or Essence of Music treatment? Any preferences or comments on these products?
They are lint free but not sterile. But the point is they won't scratch the CDs. Don't use them on a gash on your arm. Lol
I have never experienced such issue with essence of music. Ive always used supplied cloth and of course makes sure the cd doesnt have sand or dust on it.
Yes, I always make sure there is no sand or dirt or small boulders in the liquid or on the CDs. I also never ever treat the CDs during a sandstorm or mudslides or typhoons.

I have been using EOM for quite a while and have treated over 100 CDs and I haven't had an issue with scratching using the supplied cloths. I have only experienced the improvements many have mentioned above. I certainly have never had a CD skip or not play after treatment.

I haven't experimented with treating a CD more than once so I can't comment on that.

Don P.