Ok, at the risk of waking up "you know who" I want to tell you where I'm at now with my thinking and see what you more knowledgeable people have to say.
1) Right, wrong or indifferent I do think I'm set on trying a tube preamp with my solid state
Plinius SA-Reference.amp. So we can stop discussing solid state amps for now.
2) When I asked for "contenders" to the ARC Ref 5SE I should have been more clear that I meant "somewhere in the similar price range". While I'm sure some of the pieces suggested are just phenomenal, some of them are 2-3 times the price range indicated.
3) That being said and all other things being equal (same room, same other gear, same cables, etc.) which of the following 3 choices do you think is going to throw the widest, deepest, tallest sound stage and provide the most distinctive image?
ARC Reference 5SE
Allnic L-3000 Mk 2
VAC Renaissance Mk3
Thank you for participating.