Which components knocked you out on first listen?

I've been listening to stereos since 1973 and I am still waiting to be truly knocked out by the sound of a component. I have sat in showrooms across the country and have been pleased by what I have heard but never truly blown away.
The closest I came was when I listened to a Meitner str-55 amp and VTL preamp a few years ago, sourced by a Linn Ikemi and Revel loudspeakers. However, I also have been moved by a
Apple computer cd drive, circa 1994 through a Creek 4040 and RA Lab speakers, estimated cost about $1,200; maybe more so than the Linn,Revel 10K system. How about you?
In no particular order, and over the course of 33 years:

1/ Dahlquist DQ10 speaker in 1975. Amplification was Audio Research Dual-76A with ARC SP3a1 preamp. In the context of what was known in 1975, this speaker was a revelation.

2/ Julius Futterman-constructed hand-wired mono tube amps. Speakers were Quad ESL and preamp was Audio Research SP3a1. Still sensational.

3/ New York Audio Labs NCP-2 preamp

4/ McIntosh MC1201 power amps (one of the few amps to shove a speaker crossover out of the way of the music, if you know what I mean). Mac MC501s are nearly as effective.

5/ Audiopax 88 power amps. Want to hear new details on recordings you've been listening to for 30 or 40 years? Buy these amps.

6/ Souther Engineering Linear Tracking Tonearm

7/ Audio Physics Virgo & VAC Avatar integrated tube amp together -- simple and heavenly

8/ Zu Definition loudspeakers - just about the end of the road.

9/ KR Kronzilla amps - BLAM!

10/ Denon DL103D phono cartridge - doing things right since about 1964.

Component that "Knocked Me Out" the first time was the tube radio in a 1953 Pontiac that hit me in the head when I was trying to swap the OZ3 regulator.

After I woke up it sounded great! Best of all, that evening I could listen with my girl at the Mansfield drive in during intermission when they had nothing great going on the screen.

You all remember that don't you?
When I listened to my Jadis JA-500 monoblocks at a dealer's, I was astonished with their clarity, hsoundstage and three dimensionality. In an extensive evaluation session, the Jadis was compared with 6 or 7 other top notch amps. The differences were so hugely obvious that no other amp stayed for more than 10 minutes. I thought the Jadis amps knocked me down, and I ended up buying the pair and continue to live with them.

Seeing Alberts name up there reminded me of the time I was at his place and his big Soundlab speaker tipped over and fell on me. I was out for about fifteen minutes.