What is the best way to add subs in my system?

Hello fellow audio people!
I have a great sounding system, but want to bring it up a notch. My ATC SCM 19's are the best speakers I've ever owned; extremely transparent with phenomenal dynamics. They also need quite a stout amp. ATC recommends at least 75 watts. I was driving them with a big Parasound A21 and an NAD pre-amp. All in all a nice combo. Then I saw a Luxman L550 ax here on A'gon and had to have it. With 20 watts/channel I'm only using it as a pre-amp for the Parasound. What I'd like to do is run the Lux direct, and add a pair of small sealed subs to take full of advantage of those sublime 20 watts. What is my best bet for a line-level crossover? JL audio has a new one out but it's extremely expensive. With signal purity my top priority, how can I add a pair of subs to my system without breaking the bank? More info on my system in virtual systems,
The Vandersteen crossovers are not line level but speaker level. Seems like a seamless path to me. I have had Vandy 3A's with 1 then 2 subs as well as my current Quatro's. Quite a bit cheaper as well
Speaker level is the way to go. I use a pair of Gallo TR1D subs approx. 600.00 ea in my winter system. I run my main speakers full range and tap the signal from the speakers to the subs and use the built in crossover. If you want to limit the power to your main speakers, then wire to the Gallo subs and use the built in crossover line outs to your main speakers.

The Gallo subs are sealed and extremely compact. In my room they put the punch into kick drum and go down solid to 25hz.
There are a pair of Rythmik F12's new on Audiogon this morning, $1000 the pair. The F12 is a great, great sub.
Just for fun have you tried running the Lux direct to your ATC's as is? You might be surprised at how well those 20 watts do running full range. Plus it costs you nothing to give it a try.
I use Rythmik subs, so I'll second that recommendation. SVS also makes a good value subwoofer at about $1K/pair (and a pair is better than a single sub IMO).

As to the best way to cross the subs, I'm going to go off script here and recommend a pre-pro with Audyssey. I've tried a lot of different approaches using pre-amps from ARC and Joule (among others) as well as some pretty expensive high-end x-overs, including Marchand. My Onkyo pre-pro is IMO far better sounding than any of the high-end set-ups. You may be stripped of your audiophile club card if you follow this advice, but I think it's the best way to go.