why do people feel the need to buy expensive cable

I have tried expensive cables and one's moderately priced. I would say there were some differences but I can't actually say the expensive cables were better. IMHO I believe a lot of people buy expensive cables because they don't actual trust their ears and are afraid of making a mistake. They figure the expensive cables are better for the fact they cost more. If you have a difference of opinion or share the same thoughts, I would like to hear about it.
Thanks for the input Mike. Your description of the Zeel cables point to the fact that most cables are overpriced, The Tara Labs included. Audiolabyrinth thinks the Tara Labs are the BEST in the world.

you are welcome. and I'd agree that few high end cables are high value purchases on an objective basis; Tara included.

the concept of 'overpriced' is a relative term based on a person's priorities.

OTOH based on my experience with the very top level interconnects and now my ownership of 2 sets of Tara Labs Grandmaster Evolution interconnects that Audiolabyrinth might not be wrong. they could be the best. if there is any 'best'. I've not had Odin 2 or TA Magnum Opus in my system.
As quoted in one of the worst movies ever (but great for a hearty belly laugh), Plan Nine From Outer Space, the alien states, "you Earth Men are idiots." Of course, in some cases, you can substitute "audiophile" for "Earth Men." Ok, don't get angry, just having some fun at all our expense.😇😀💋🙉. Haha!
"Plan Nine from Outer Space', I haven't seen that movie in twenty years. Great to see it quoted; may have to watch it again.
4orreal, mmm, you missed the part of Mikelavigne's post that said he liked the Taralabs Grandmaster interconnect better than the cable interface he mentioned, also, taralabs makes a cable for any given system in the world, they have the new rich sounding Grandmaster Evolution SP speaker cable's, and Evolution omega sp speaker cable's for wide band width speakers and amplifiers, also they have ism on board interconnect cable's to suit particular systems that require a warmer sound to rid brightness that some systems have, and I will add they also have the new cx omega speaker cable's that are one lead for each speaker instead of two for each channel, that said, prove to me you own or listened to a better cable than taralabs?, I'm open minded to anything, a better cable for me has not happened in 25 years!