HI there,

Please give comments of its sound performance, am looking for extreme Transparent and fast sounding.

Please see the review of the Ayre QB-9 DSD DAC in the Computer Audiophile web site below:


Please read his conclusion at the end of the article.
It is the best sounding dac I have ever heard. I have heard many at around its price point but not the crazy priced ones like the lampi.
An FYI on Lampizator DACs:
The super-high priced ones have been getting all of the press lately - Model 7 and Golden Gate.
However, their best selling DAC ever is the Model 4 now in Generation 5 form. While a decked out Lampizator Model 4 will cost about $1500 more than the Ayre DAC under discussion, but it is also considerably better sounding - no contest IMO. There is also a Model 5 between 4 and 7 DACs.