The Hifi Trajectory Of Class D Amplifiers

I bought my first digital SLR camera back in 2005. Film SLR cameras were still king back then. Longtime film camera hobbyists and pros thumbed their noses at digital. Ten years later, film cameras have been surpassed by digital cameras and are nearly extinct. Millions of people use cameras. The market was already in place for anyone that would advance the technology of digital photography.

With Class D amps, you don't have a marketplace the size of the camera marketplace. There doesn't seem to be enough economic incentive to spend the necessary research dollars to advance the technology to get the same sort of improvement trajectory that digital photography has enjoyed.

Anyone care to speculate how long it will take for Class D amps to consistently rival the best tube, Class A and Class A/B across the board....and do it without resorting to the stratospheric prices that current non-Class D amps are priced at.
Rushton, I don't question anybody's qualifications but rather particular example. I'm pretty sure we can find 500W tube amp that doesn't keep up with 400W class D bass amp, but again it wouldn't be relevant to the issue we discuss (class D sound in home stereo system). If anything, class D amplifiers keep extremely well with music peaks (mentioned in many reviews) when equipped with regulated power supply (SPMS).
Most pro audio applications call for high efficiency easy to drive speakers in order effectively fill large rooms. That helps assure tube amps will be able to do a good job as can good SS or Class D. Most will opt for the lower cost and maintenance solution out of practicality as long as results are good. So few would choose a tube amp these days even though I have no doubt some might sound very god.

HOme audio is different as Kijanki points out. Tube amps are not suited for many home speakers designed to deliver more bass out of a smaller package. A god Class D amp will have little problem with most any home speaker.

What sounds best in each particular case will obviously depend on a lot of things.

So I agree pro use or benefits of tube amps is not really useful for this discussion.
I'm pretty sure we can find 500W tube amp that doesn't keep up with 400W class D bass amp,

Good luck with that. While I do think that day is coming, its still a long ways off and that amp simply does not exist yet. I've no intention of arguing back and forth about it- this is simply how it is.

Has Class D arrived? Sure. But do they beat tube amps? That's an entirely different question!
But do they beat tube amps? That's an entirely different question!
...and one with no answer here, because you will never achieve consensus on the definition of "beat"
Not only has Class D arrived but their making a big splash and the ripples are being felt through out the audio community. For some of you dyed-in-the-whool Class A or Class AB fans, there is a technology that threatens your existance, well maybe not yet but they are getting there. Even those cheap little Class D amps by Lepai sound better than a lot of midfi conventional amps when properly set up. Even so I will keep my McCormack amp because it just sounds different but in a damn good way! But I will continue to listen to some of those Class D amps just because they are diferent but sound good!