If one has settled on on a single core, solid cable (which I have) then there's not much that can be done that others have. Get a good enough purity, use bare ends, anneal it a few times, even cryo it, and the only variable left will be which gauge to use along with which sheathing works best for you.
As much as I love the sound of some multi-strands (Supra Ply and Zu Mission) and the lovely, melodic presentation they are capable of, they tend to only capture about 80-85% of the extension and air of solid core. They capture probably best, the sound of a live event, to a point. Some detail is missing along with the air and extension mentioned but if that's all I had on hand, I could happily live with them. But I like the detail, tone, texture, extension, definition and presence of single, solid core. There is no glare, hype or etch, just a much better focus and clarity.
Having said that, I know there must be some brands of stranded out there that close the gap on solid core and all the R&D and material needed to justify the cost but in the context of my system, single, solid core gives a mighty fine, dare I say, excellent, acquittal of what is possible, desirable, and satisfying.
It's all system dependent.
All the best,