B&W 'New' 800 Series

I've reviewed the TAS Factory Tour and the 802 D3 details and am impressed with all improvements; and the common sense used.
I also find the new styling very intelligent related to dispersion. Comments?
I've read many of Bo1972s post and have concluded that he repeats the same thing over and over and at the same time finds ways to contradict himself. He talks about how great his components are, but concedes that he uses room correction to get the best sound. I've listed to Monitor Audio speakers and find them to forward/bright. I do agree with him regarding some Shunyata cables...when I tried Shunyata Cobra speaker cables the images were bigger than normal.


Have you found any preamp/amp/integrateds that give wide and deep soundstage WITH smaller images and focused sound with very black background?

Apparently Pass has some of the criteria met but not all. Btw, I owned Maggie 3.7 and loved the speed but agree with you on blackness, images and depth.
First you need to understand the properties. When you are aware of these, you can the best result out of them.

Monitor Audio in the Netherlands asked me 1,5 years ago can you take a look at our Monitor Audio dealers and what kind of amps they use.

Over 90% only sell 2 dimensional amps. This is how limited the knowledge is in audio.

I saw the pictures of the new B&W D3 series at the factory in England. B&W invite people who sell the new 800 series.

The demos were done with Rotel. Sorry, you must be a fool to demo 800 series with this level. Then you don't understand audio at all. I am not convinced that the best people in audio work at B&W at this moment!
bo1972, can you please explain more about three dimensional sound and your innovations in this area?
Honestly, Bo Bo & friends should go in a corner,---- - - and enjoy themselves.......Actually; why not start their own thread? Have fun with other; childish ignorant self centered fools who probably toilet trained very late,if ever.