Elrog 300B vs Takatsuki 300B tubes

Has anyone heard the Elrog 300B tubes ? I read an article which mentioned that the Elrog 300B delivers 15% less power than a traditional 300B tubes. Can anyone confirm that it is audible ?

I am choosing between Elrog and Takatsuki 300B tubes. I would prefer the Elrog because it is cheaper and supposedly wonderful but if it really sounds less powerful then I have to rethink.
I've had my Franks about three years and used Shuguang Black Treasures, Takatsuki's and now the second generation Elrog' 300b's without even a hickup. They are spectacular.

I haven't had my Franks as long as you have but have never experienced any other tube failures with them other than one of my Elrogs. I have used the stock Shuguang Black Treasures (briefly) as well as VAIC VV300b which were manufactured in the 90s when KR and VAIC were one company. 

When I asked Israel about using different brands of 300b tubes he did tell me to stay away from Sophia Royal Princess as they couldn't handle the voltage levels of the Franks.  It appears that the Franks create higher voltage levels than other 300b amps...this was alluded to by WJT2005 but in a slightly different context than I think Israel meant it with his comments about suitable 300b choices. 

Others he mentioned as being ok were the Taks which he spoke very highly of, Elrogs only the newer ones that have been rebuilt to handle the higher voltages, older KRs but not ones made within the last 5 years, EML XLS which he really liked but not their mesh plates which were prone to microphonics. 

Hope this his helps with the discussion about reliability. 

From on my own experience these amps are by far the quietest tube amps I have ever owned and I have owned a bunch. I can't believe that even with my ear right up to the compression drivers on my speakers there is virtually no noise. Now that's really unprecedented in my experience with tube amps. 


So this is my point, not everyone has had early 300b
 tube failure with the Frankenstein MK II. The question is how often is this problem occurring and what % of amplifiers are affected?
Markus I'm glad you are having the same wonderful Franks with Elrog tubes result as I am.

Chris, I am happy the Franks  have worked out so well in your system. Wow! its been a year for you already?

i forgot to add that I'm really enjoying the Franks very much. They make listening to music such a pleasurable experience. I find myself more engaged in the listening process with these amps than any other I've ever owned and I've been into audio since 1969!  Damn I'm old!  

That's quite a compliment for the Frankenstein considering your coming off recent ownership of the highly esteemed Joule OTL amplifiers. Increased music listening engagement is the Frankenstein's best attribute in my opinion.