Who exactly are you to trust if you have bought a tone arm in regards to setting it up? 'dangcaoguyen', the gentleman who initiated this thread, provided the information given to him and and asked if he could move the mounting hole over 5 mm? Then gave reasons why when mounted using the supplied set-up dimensions, His Quote
"the cartridge could not reach the cross point on my Dr. Feickert NG Protractor (I extended the cartridge all the way out from the Pivot) it was 4mm short. Unless i have a longer head shell or i will have to mount the arm 4mm closer than spec. (5mm to be sure)".
Sounds rather familiar to me!!!! Once you digest my thread, it should also sound familiar to you.
I addressed his question. I didn't expect others to give a destitation of text book arm geometry! He wasn't asking for a schooling in arm design theory but just a simple answer to what he discovered. His suggestions and discoveries, mirror mine!
Who exactly are you to trust if you have bought a tone arm in regards to setting it up? 'dangcaoguyen', the gentleman who initiated this thread, provided the information given to him and and asked if he could move the mounting hole over 5 mm? Then gave reasons why when mounted using the supplied set-up dimensions, His Quote
"the cartridge could not reach the cross point on my Dr. Feickert NG Protractor (I extended the cartridge all the way out from the Pivot) it was 4mm short. Unless i have a longer head shell or i will have to mount the arm 4mm closer than spec. (5mm to be sure)".
Sounds rather familiar to me!!!! Once you digest my thread, it should also sound familiar to you.
I addressed his question. I didn't expect others to give a destitation of text book arm geometry! He wasn't asking for a schooling in arm design theory but just a simple answer to what he discovered. His suggestions and discoveries, mirror mine!