How much difference if the tonearm is mounted 5mm

Hi Experts,
It is for a Pole Star UNV-2 Tonearm. I would like to know if there is any affect in sound if I mount the arm 5mm closer than specification. It is on the VPI Aries 2.
For the Pole Star:
Distance between spindle and pivot is 212mm.
Between stylus and pivot is 228mm. Overhang 16mm.
Whole length 305mm.

Dear Dangcaonguyen:  """ I mounted the arm 5mm shorter than manufactor reccomedation. The result was terific.  """

IMHO what it's terrific down there are only " terrible " and high distortions not real music information. End Quote:

This is your idea of helpful?  To criticize by questioning his findings after his deviation from the printed hole location.  Did you actually hear what his system sounded like?  It his system.  If it sounds terrific to him, then I believe him.  But to tell him that that what he is really hearing is ''terrible'' and high distortions not real music information is plain B/S!  
Gentlements, please.
I have learned a lot from all of you since the thread initiated. 

Dear Calvin: "  I have learned a lot from all of you since the thread initiated. "

Good!, that's all about.

Regards and enjoy the music,
Hi everyone,
I am wondering based on the chart about the comparison between the 3 alignments B, L, and S. The Stevenson looks the worst. Why there are still designers used this geometry for their tonearm?
I hate to get into this dispute....but shouldn't the offset angle of the arm be specific  to accommodate proper setup?? ..or can one twist the cartridge to accommodate  the numbers??