Gene Simmons says the rock business is dead

I saw an interview last week on Axis T.V. The interviewer was Dan Rather and he was talking to Gene Simmons of Kiss. Gene said the "Rock business is in the coffin and the nails are in"

Do you think the rock business is dead? Or is Gene just being his dramatic self?
Tempting though it is, irresistable as it is to continue commenting upon the Mr. Simmons until we're collectively as numbskulled as his product was, the subject at hand regarding the demise of the rock business depends upon whom is attending the wake. 

I'm 59 this year.  Motown. The Beatles. FM Radio. Woodstock. Altamont.  MTV. Vinyl. 8 Track. Cassette. Compact Disc. Napster. iTunes. 

THE DEAD:  8 track, cassette,  FM radio. 

We'll live.  It ain't dead,  it's just pining

  • Well I am 60 in a few months and rock and roll will never die! Just fade away. To be reborn again by a new generation. By a new artist. Who (no pun intended) sounds a lot like a rock star of the past. But definitely not like kiss.
  • I'm just say'n ✌️🖖