"All Things Must Pass"-Tower Records Documentary

This looks very interesting. I never lived close to a Tower Records, but did visit a few over the years while traveling.

There's a story on the documentary and an interview with Russ Solomon in the current issue of Record Collector News, the freebie mag available at a lot of good record stores.
Tower on 4th and Broadway was the meat in the sandwich between Stereo Exchange down the street and the Strand book store up the street. Spent more hours there than I can count. Also spent untold $$$. I still occasionally pull out an unopened record from the shelves with a Tower price tag on it, probably among the 100s purchased when Tower phased out LPs. Their Jazz section was beyond compare. I got to know Michael Anderson, who worked the section, and was both a drummer for Sunny Murray and a WBGO DJ. His knowledge of the music, and recordings remains unmatched in my experience. Those were great times in NYC.

if if you needed a glass of wine with that sandwich you could stop by Astor Place Wines.  It was kinda sandwiched between tower records on Broadway and Tower Books on Lafayette. I spent a few bucks there, over the years, too.
It wasn’t a couple of guys in Guns N Roses. It was Axl. I lived there. You are wrong.  
Also, your timeline is way off. Axl had been gone from Tower for at least 6 years before Weezer formed and hung out at the DeLongpre house in Hollywood. That was 1992. Appetite hit in ‘87. By your account, GNR guys would have worked at Tower in ‘94. The stories about GNR, are almost never real. I asked (Adler and Izzy) extensively and repeatedly. Not a single verification. P. S. I was the last customer to buy anything at Tower Sunset. I got them to unlock the door when it was past closing time, just so I could buy something. They tried to say they had already entered into an agreement to sell everything that was left in the store as one purchase, but I got the person that had negotiated that deal, to let me pick out something. I got the GNR World Tour 2 disc set on laser for $10.