New Forum Format Sucks

The new forum format sucks. The old one was perfectly fine.
rough crowd...let them know what you don't like and maybe they'll look into it.
I am having a problem that I don't know if it is just particular to me.  Even when I am logged in, I cannot post a message when I use IE as the browser, but I have no problems with Chrome.  With IE, the box shows up to add a comment, but, I cannot click into the box.

No problem here either, Larry, using IE11 on multiple Windows 7 computers.

Best regards,


I worked in the IT department in a big manufacturing company before retirement.  I am a veteran of scores of software update rollouts and I can't remember any that didn't have chorus of 'Boo Birds' to lead the charge backwards to wallow forever in their old, outdated, feature-poor software, never bothering to even try to learn what the new software or hardware were all about.  Give it a chance.  

Also, if I were the analyst responsible at Audiogon for this new Forum client,  I would look at features available on successful high-traffic websites, and install some of them.  I would start with a sort feature allowing viewer to toggle between FIFO, First In First Out, as it is now,  to let the screen build starting with the most recent.  Perhaps you could keep the value in the profile of logged-in viewers.  This change would make it easier to navigate larger threads and would encourage the whole population of viewers to stay interested in them.