Review: Grand Prix Audio Monaco Amplifier Isolation System Stand

Category: Accessories

I had been using solid state monoblocks that I had put on Michael Green stands. When I bought a Sonic Frontiers Power 2 it was too large to fit on one of the stands without hanging over the side. So I decided to get a new amp stand. I was looking at Zoethecus because they matched my bookshelves. I was at Experience Audio here in Seattle and was looking at the Grand Prix stand. I thought it was very cool looking, (even though it didn't match my bookshelves). I researched and researched and finally one day just wanted to buy something to get my Power 2 off the other rack. Experience Audion owner Tim had extolled the virtues of the GPA racks before and I had read enough to know that this was fine equipment. So I went in and bought one though it was way over the budget I'd set. It was one of those purchases that seemed NECESSARY. Tim seemed subdued about the sale but I didn't think anything of it. I went home and did a little comparative listening with the other rack then set up the Monaco. After turning on the amp and putting on some music it took approximately one minute to tell the difference. WOW! I could hardly believe it as I kept listening. I called Tim back to see if he was still at the store after hours and he was. "What the @*&# is going on!" was all I could think of to say. He laughed and told me "I figured I'd let you see for yourself rather than build the stand up. I've told you before that these are great racks."
I've used a lot of tweaks over the years and this blew the power cords, the cones of various shapes and sizes, the weights on top, the shelves and bladders below right out of the water. Okay, that's hyperbole, but still. I was reminded of the time that I tried out my first high-end interconnect, some Audioquest Lapis that a customer at the record store had lent me. My roommate and I went home and we were listening very hard, very intently to the music through my Kimber PBJ's. We figured the difference was going to be subtle so imagine two record geeks, hands on their chins tilted forward toward the speakers. When I put the Lapis in the system we were both blown backwards. Wow! That rocked! With the GPA amp stand, I felt the same way. I hate to use the cliches but it was like the noise floor dropped to the apartment below me, music seemed fuller, rounder and coming out of a silent background. I figured the stand would make a difference but I wasn't expecting this. The interesting thing was that instead of the usual, "there was more detail" or "the bass was improved" I didn't notice either. What I noticed was a more natural presentation of the music that made it sound whole,organic, Instead of concentrating on the qualities I was hearing the gestalt of the sounds. For once I was just enjoying the music without being "audio-critical" of what I was hearing.

This is a brilliant piece of equipment. I would think this is as essential as any upgrade you could make. Its aesthetics are wonderful, this is one great looking stand, it would make a clock radio look good just for sitting on it. But of course, buy it for what it will bring out of your amp.

The only way you will get my GPA amp stand away from me is if you pry it from my cold, dead fingers, or offer me more money than I paid for it.

Associated gear
Sonic Frontiers Power 2
Pass Labs X1 pre
Golden Tube Audio Pre
Sonic Frontiers Phono Stage
Oracle Turntable
Micromega CD Players
BMI/Nordost/Synergistic Research cabling and Audiomagic conditioning

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Nice review. I felt exactly the same way as you when I first got mine. These amp stands under my Audiopax mono amps literally took my system to another level. Sit back and enjoy, and when you are looking for a little more try out the Apex feet that go under the amp stand, I'm sure they can loan you a pair from the stereo shop. The Apex feet made nearly just as much improvment as the stand itself did.
I felt the same effect with the amp stands, but will I get the same thing with the Monaco 3 shelf rack for a DAC and transport? has anybody felt the same improvement with the source as we have with the amps?
I bought a Le Mans 5 shelf for my other system after hearing the effects of the amp stands, and while not quite the impact the amp stands had, I would still call it a major improvement.