Review: Allan Maher Power Enhancer AC filter

Category: Accessories

Alan Maher Power Enhancer and the Noise Destroyer

Ok, here is my set up.

I have 3 dedicated circuits all with 10 gauge Romex and all with the Wattgate 381 gold plated outlets.

Electrical Set Up and Equipment
#1 one circuit is used only with my APL 3910 Player. Connected with Purist Anniversary Power Cord
#2 one circuit for only my Pass labs X350.5 Amp Connected with Virtual Dynamics Revelation 2 Power Cord
#3 one circuit for my Hydra 8 (Connected with Virtual Dynamics Master Power Cord) where all my video is plugged in. LCD TV, DVR, DVD, CDR, Cable Box etc.
Originally, I plugged the Alan Maher PE’s into outlets outside of those 3 dedicated circuits (I used other outlets in the same room) to break them in. In those locations, I actually thought they sounded pretty good. But I was told by Jen Maher not to do that. Jen said to plug them into my Audio outlets and don’t move them from place to place, if I did, she said, they would go thru break in all over again.

Well, I moved them as instructed into the #1 dedicated outlet used on the APL Player and on the #2 dedicated outlet used with my Pass Labs Amp.

A few days later, (about 4 days) the bass and treble sounded less impressive, the dynamics was gone. After a week, the system remained “Dark Sounding” and unenjoyable. I finally said to myself, what the hey, and moved the PE’s back to the Original placement I had at the beginning (outside of the 3 dedicated outlets).

Well folks that is it, they sounded great once again in that location. The dynamics and the upper frequencies returned slowly. But the change was noticeable somewhat right away. After about 15-30 minutes the treble started sounding more extended and the dynamics returned. For some reason, when I plugged the PE’s directly into my dedicated Audio outlets the sound gets dark, I believe the Audiophile word for this is, overdamped. Your results may vary.

So, am I better off with the Alan Maher or the Noise Destroyers in my system??? I would say, yes, they make noticeable positive improvements, but extreme placement is necessary.

Results were about the same with the Allan Maher units as compared to the Noise Destroyer units. I would give the nod to the Alan Maher units over the Noise Destroyers due to price and slightly better performance. I have placed the Noise Destroyers into my Video System where they have improved that quite nicely.

APL Denon 3910 CD Player
Pass Labs X350.5
Eggleston Works Andra mkII Speaker
Purist Dominus Ferox Rev C Balanced 2M Interconnect
Shunyata Hydra 8 AC filter
Virtual Dynamics Revelation 2.0 Bi-wire Speaker cable
Purist 20th Anniversary Contego Power cord
Virtual Dynamics Revelation 2 Power cord

Associated gear
APL Denon 3910 CD Player
Pass Labs X350.5
Eggleston Works Andra mkII Speaker
Purist Dominus Ferox Rev C Balanced 2M Interconnect
Shunyata Hydra 8 AC filter
Virtual Dynamics Revelation 2.0 Bi-wire Speaker cable
Purist 20th Anniversary Contego Power cord
Virtual Dynamics Revelation 2 Power cord
Very interesting. You must have very clean power coming into those dedicated lines.
We live in an area where their is enough distance between houses that each house has its own transformer. I dont know if that really matters though.
I will still fiddle with these units in different places inside the home. Perhaps on the Frig and Computers circuit.
Ozzy, having your own transformer will make a huge difference vs. several homes or an entire block sharing one. Of course, your fridge,etc. can add some noise to the equation but your dedicated stereo lines is helping you a lot in achieving a cleaner signal. I envy you, man.
I actually have taken Alan's advice and now removed my RSA Haley from the system. I have 5 PEs (with a PE-4 and Studio Reference PC coming) on 3 circuits (3 of them on the A/V circuit alone) and now my gear is plugged into a BPT power strip (non-filtering version) with Oyaide GX outlets and an Oyaide R1 wall plug which the BPT is plugged into. All my gear is plugged into the BPT.

Upon first listen yesterday there was a slight increase in the noise floor, but overall the sound seemed a bit livelier as well, especially with cymbals. I'm going to do some more listening this weekend and see if I can note any other differences.