I recently installed a Maestro outlet and there was a perceptible improvement in sound quality. I have no idea why it would make any difference, especially in light of the fact that the outlet it replaced was also a "special" outlet -- a Synergistic Research Teslaplex. I assume the answer is Magic, but that is another thread. Anyway, I have a question...
I seem to recall reading in a couple places that magnetic backstraps were a no no. The Teslaplex has a magnetic backstrap, so I used that to "justify" ordering the Maestro. Justify to myself, not The Wife. I spare her the discomfort of these decisions. Yes, I know it's thoughtful of me. Anyway...
A week later, the Maestro arrived, shiny and new. When The Wife asked, "What's that?" I believe I said, "I have no idea. The mailman brought it." She left me gazing romantically at my new outlet, when an idea found its way into my head. I reached into my desk and found the very same magnet that had condemned the Teslaplex to the Drawer of Forgotten Toys. I decided to celebrate the Maestro's arrival by holding the magnet to its backstrap, and... it stuck.
The Maestro also has a magnetic backstrap. Hmm.