World's BEST ac outlets.......Maestro outlets

Category: Accessories

Over the years I have tried most of the raved outlets on the market and the Porter Ports from Albert Porter were the best that I had found that did not add or take way from the music... here's a few, Oyaide R1, Synergistic Research Telsaplex, FIM 880, WattGate Silver 381 ag, PS Audio powerport premier, Jena Labs, Isoclean Gold. All these other outlets did something to harm the music in some way...some hyped up the highs and mids and others had bloated low ends. I always thought the Porter Ports were the best on the market that I had tried until I tried the Maestro outlets. The Maestro outlets are the most neutral and most accurate outlets that I have ever heard. I let the maestro outlets settle-in a little for 7 full days and nights playing music non-stop before comparing them with my porter ports. When I compared the two I found that the porter ports sounded a little closed-in and a little Flat sounding when compared to the maestro outlets. The porter ports was not as clean or as clear when compared to the maestro outlets. The porter ports low end was a little bloated too when compared to the maestro outlets. On complex musical passages with the porter ports in my system I found myself turning the volume down more...much more! When I was listening to music with the maestro outlets in my system the Trasparency of these outlets were truely amazing and I hope this will get even better as these outlets settle-in more! The soundstage was wider and deeper and they were more upper frequency air too when compared to the porter ports. The Maestro outlets had a lower noise floor that allowed more of the suble cues to come through more. The maestro outlets also had a better separation of individual instruments and vocals....more natural sounding more REAL! I think the non-plated maestro outlets have a much more direct sound than the non-plated porter ports because the Maestro outlets have a higher quality copper content. My vintage sansui sp-5500 horn speakers just completely disappears now with these maestro outlets in my entry level system...Marantz pm-7001 and matching marantz CD player, DH Labs power plus power cables, very cheap copper interconnects from wal-mart, Synergistic Research Alpha quad active speaker cables... I think these maestro outlets will become an Instant Classic!
I read on audiokarma that you do not have a dedicated 20amp line for your audio. This was in 2010. Have you tried the Maestro on a dedicated line? I am leaning to either Maestro or Porter Port, since both are non-plated.
I received a maestro outlet about 3 months ago, mostly due to this thread. It has been a nice improvement over a 45 yr old outlet our nice house came with. The maestro has a lot better grip than the old outlet but not a death grip. Which I think is very good thing. The sound now seems to have a noticbly lower noise floor. Now compared to before there are sounds that are more clearly marked. Much of that is the sounds dirctly from and around the instruments(the trailing harmonics I think) and vocals are more complete and thus more natural making the timbre of the instruments and vocals more natural and fleshed out. This worked to make everything more complete/whole and more natural. It did not move the sound stage closer or father away but I can hear more clearly the back of the stage. And the sides of the stage things were more clearly outlined but in a natural way.
So as a sum up it made the low level sounds more clear in a good way which seems to result in everything haveing a more complete sound and thus sounding more natural. And the prominent sounds are more 3D in a more natural manner.
I think it was a nice big improvement with no down sides. I can't always say that. With all this being said I think it is goofey how much improvement an outlet can have.
Thanks much for your thought on the Maestro. I did read up some threads here and on the net. I found that fanboy Hifisoundguy has practically started threads on Maestro on every audio forum sites. That kind of put me off, since I felt it was kind of advertisement for Maestro. I have a feeling that non-plated ports do not impart a color to the music as much as a plated ports would do. But maybe I am wrong. I am doing my room with 20amp dedicated lines (10 gauge). This impact on sound, should be much more than changing outlets. I have decided to go with Porter Ports, since they are also non-plated.
Marqmike, I found that the top commercial grade Hubbell outlet sound far better than the Maestro. I don't think it is available any longer but only cost about $27. I bought about 20 of them and used them all. The Furutech GTX-Dr is my favorite now at only about ten times as much! I also have an Oyaide R0 outlet (about $80@ in one outlet. It is very good.
It is amazing how an outlet can improve things across the board and no negatives I can recall. I am to lazy to do any a/b-ing. So it is nice to hear others comments. Tbg that is a lot of outlets. Are there any that you have heard in that price range that have the potential to be as good as the discontinued Hubbells? Nice to hear about the Furutech and the Oyaide.