Cpdunn99, I think I hear what you are talking about the "dark" highs. I would call it more as being slightly reticent and recessed, but a lot of this is what you previously may have heard with your previous amp,which may have over-accentuated the highs or you may have been hearing benign noise which comes across as giving the illusion of being more airy and bright. Also, by experimenting with interconnects and power cords on both the amp and your source(I imagine a cdp)and not to forget the speaker cables, by concentrating on the highs of whatever music you are listening to, you can fine-tune the highs to be more to your liking.Go to a live concert of classical or jazz and you'll see that in some venues the highs may seem lacking, but once your ears get acclimated you'll hear the highs(i.e.cymbals attack and decay).Now remember, I have the Plinius 8200 mkI and supposedly with the better power supply in your MkII the highs should be even better.Then again,the 8200's may have this slight trait of darkness in the highs as a characteristic.I have heard that to do better, we'd have to move up to the separates, like the SA102,which puts you yet in another league of sound.For now, I am tweaking my system to sound as natural as possible and try not to yearn for equipment that is better(but more expensive).Isn't life a bitch when you're such a perfectionist ? Oh, if I could only control my anality... P.S. I just remembered reading in another thread that the Plinius amps can take as long as 4 months to properly break in. If that is the case, then we both have some wonderful sounds to look forward to. Cheers and enjoy the music.