Review: Pass Labs Aleph 3 Amplifier

Category: Amplifiers

Old design, apparently still sends tremors in the shape of dissmisal or wholhearted approval, througout the audio community. Regardless of all the fuss, the Aleph is thing of the past, along with Aleph 30. Scratched of the board. Finished. Done! Even Nelson has distanced himself from this design, by going probably more modern path?!
So why all of the fuss? Is this "box" soo good to become a classic, or it is "lifeless", "collored" etc... that some had named this amp?
Just replaced my old SFC-1 (also reviewed) with Pass Aleph 3. And now, when all the excitment is over with, i feel i can draw some conclusions about this amp.
I have several CD's that have been my favorites for last couple of years that i am familiar with. And would for sure know if something is missing, or if i would to hear MORE? In fact that's the same reason we usualy upgrade.
I chose 'bare bones' Cary Slp-50 tube amp, with two 12au7's running in pure class a operation (that's what technical data said). Old (1994) defunct DPA three piece DAC/Dpa T1 transport totaling over $15K when new. I figure, if it was great then, it must be good now?
Speakers are DIY watt/puppy clones (Focal/Seas/Peerless and all the good x-over parts)
Wire Discovery 123 speaker cable, Pbj for Dac/pre and unknown Monster pre/amp (i am not big into wires)

Sound? My tube amp had deeper soundstage, and solid imaging. Softer treble, and looser bass. What gave overall darker presentation. Even 'emotional' sound that was definitely sign of higher colloration than the Pass. Much higher! I just had to play piano (Satie Piano Works vol.1 Naxos) to hear those high notes, where sound is like striking chips of ice againsteach other. Alwas have complained about Sony's John Williams The Guitarst, and the sound quality. Aleph brought these performance much closer to me, even at the low volume levels. Bossa Nova brasil on Verve in past, alwas brought bass troubles int my system. Even though that Alep 3 is not supposed to DO bass, still brought some improvement. Especialy, with electric bass! Robert Lucas Luke and Locmotives(Audioquest), was feast and the beast! On this one i had to turn-up the volume somewhat. Not because of lack of dynamics,but for pure joy!
Large orchestra and Pass did wonderful job together! Berloz Symphony Fantastique, with all the bells and whistles was outstanding wit its panoramic soundstage!Bruckner symp. No 4 (Naxos), and quite slow beginning wasn't just empty space. I could "peek" into the concert hall and hear many things they were just void, in the past. When all the action started in Rossini's Barbiere di Sivilia (ACUM), all came together but still preserved steady placement of the individual instruments. Meaning, that there was a lot of going on i wasn't aware of!
YoYo Ma's Bach's suites, Cello did sounded "woody" with tho dose of high energy, that sounded like flatulance on my tube amp. Very impressive with the Quarteto Italiano's Beethoven Late Quartets vol.2. This analog recording outclasses all the modern recorded attempts.
The amp delivers detail, detail lots of it! But it doesn't do just that. It comunicates the artist intentions. It isn't "cold", nor "warm". It is just. Music. With purity that Aleph delivers, i do not believe i'll be looking for more! It runs hot, but not as hot as my old tube amp with four Kt90's.

Other recordings: Calamus Splendor of Andalus Ma rec
Arvo Part Tabula Rasa naxos
Wagner Taunhauser opera
Mozart collection 10 cd's

Associated gear
Cary slp-50, Dpa Dac/T1 transport

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I've read a few reviews that claim the Onkyo A-9555 sounds just as good or better than the Pass Aleph 3. I have heard the Onkyo A-9555 and it does sound extremely good but I have not heard the Pass Aleph 3.
Everything is possible with the new technology. Don't forget, Aleph's are over ten years old. However I still think they are good value (on the used market) for the money.
Not to disparage Onkyo, however ,as for me I will take anything from Nelson Pass and not look back, as opposed to products from the asian basin. Only God and Nelson knows how many times his designs have been ripped off over the past 35 years. While the Onkyo is Class D amplification as opposed to the Aleph, which is Pure Class A. Most all of Nelson Pass products have earned legendary status. Whats the Onkyo legendary component? I can't remember one that could be even remotely compared to Nelson Pass, in any given year.
Just hooked-up Golden Tube Se-40. I don't know if it's better synergy, but so far this amp is beating-up good my Aleph 3.
Someone here said that the Alephs are good value for the money.
In my view they are the best value for the money in the solid state single ended amplifier domain (not balanced).
Especially if the source you are using is of good quality single ended type.
As the Aleph 3 is not a balanced amp you will lose the benefits of the balanced source if you use it - obviously.
If your source is a good quality one but is not balanced then the Aleph will shine.
Why pay excess money for a balanced configured amp (double circuitry) and use it with unbalanced source and not get the full benefits out of it?
Another and probably the most important consideration is the speaker impedance.
Don't expect them especially the Aleph 3 to drive
successfully low impedance speakers!
I have personally experienced great results with a JBL 8 ohm nominal impedance easy to drive speaker with Van Den Hul Revolution cables.
A good quality 2 driver speaker is the best match.
In lower impedance speakers the Alephs will not work - I have tried it. They have no enough current at output and also have high output impedance.
Not that it is very bad but the whole magic is lost - there is simply no point to do it.
Also, be ready to wait at least 1 hour for the amp to get into optimal working temperature!
When getting back home from work in the evening the first thing to do is to switch the amplifier on!
It will reward you later on.