Thanks Vangstr,
I’m glad you found this ‘inspiring’…….
I realise how long ago I wrote it (more than 4 years)…..and it really was the beginning of journey ‘backwards’ in time for me.
A journey which, to this day, has not ended?
At the time I was inspired to write that review……I had only the two original Garrott P77 cartridges as my MM references.
Four years later…… and I have bought over thirty others (mainly vintage) and currently own about 25 (plus 5 LOMCs).
The experience gained from these four years of ‘discovery’……has allowed a greater perspective into the ‘merits’ of the Garrott P77 cartridge amongst the pantheon of the really fine cartridges I have heard (and own).
Compared to my original P77s with styli supplied and fixed by John and Brian Garrott themselves…….there are many finer MM cartridges available IMHO.
Some Signets, ATs, Shures, Glanzs, FRs and Empires to name a few.
The problem (in retrospect) with the original P77…..was essentially the stylus/cantilever assembly (although paradoxically that is precisely what the Garrotts brought to the original Cambridge A&R P77…..a tweaked, hand-selected stylus).
With the Garrott stylus….there was limited frequency extension at both extremes.
There was a lack of ‘shimmer’ and ‘sparkle’ in the ‘highs’….coupled with a somewhat muted performance in the ‘lows’.
Its ‘raison d’etre’ was its liquid, mellifluous midrange and the ‘air’…about which I wrote in the original review.
On the advice of a valued contributor to these Forums, I bought a Jico SAS stylus assembly from Japan and substituted it for the Garrott in the P77 body.
The change was revelatory…….
All that was good about the original P77 was retained……the midrange and air…..and magically…..all that was previously weak became stoic.
The highs became detailed, transparent and extended whilst the lower frequencies developed an authority and depth combined with a detailed differentiation.
The P77/SAS has now been elevated (in my rankings) to the Top Ten Tier of cartridges I have heard……and even perhaps, nudging the top five?
As for obtaining one Vangstr….the Garrott P77 is rather scarce but I gather that the original A&R P77 sometimes appears on Ebay (especially the UK Ebay) and I imagine would also respond to the SAS transplant.
Good luck.
I’m glad you found this ‘inspiring’…….
I realise how long ago I wrote it (more than 4 years)…..and it really was the beginning of journey ‘backwards’ in time for me.
A journey which, to this day, has not ended?
At the time I was inspired to write that review……I had only the two original Garrott P77 cartridges as my MM references.
Four years later…… and I have bought over thirty others (mainly vintage) and currently own about 25 (plus 5 LOMCs).
The experience gained from these four years of ‘discovery’……has allowed a greater perspective into the ‘merits’ of the Garrott P77 cartridge amongst the pantheon of the really fine cartridges I have heard (and own).
Compared to my original P77s with styli supplied and fixed by John and Brian Garrott themselves…….there are many finer MM cartridges available IMHO.
Some Signets, ATs, Shures, Glanzs, FRs and Empires to name a few.
The problem (in retrospect) with the original P77…..was essentially the stylus/cantilever assembly (although paradoxically that is precisely what the Garrotts brought to the original Cambridge A&R P77…..a tweaked, hand-selected stylus).
With the Garrott stylus….there was limited frequency extension at both extremes.
There was a lack of ‘shimmer’ and ‘sparkle’ in the ‘highs’….coupled with a somewhat muted performance in the ‘lows’.
Its ‘raison d’etre’ was its liquid, mellifluous midrange and the ‘air’…about which I wrote in the original review.
On the advice of a valued contributor to these Forums, I bought a Jico SAS stylus assembly from Japan and substituted it for the Garrott in the P77 body.
The change was revelatory…….
All that was good about the original P77 was retained……the midrange and air…..and magically…..all that was previously weak became stoic.
The highs became detailed, transparent and extended whilst the lower frequencies developed an authority and depth combined with a detailed differentiation.
The P77/SAS has now been elevated (in my rankings) to the Top Ten Tier of cartridges I have heard……and even perhaps, nudging the top five?
As for obtaining one Vangstr….the Garrott P77 is rather scarce but I gather that the original A&R P77 sometimes appears on Ebay (especially the UK Ebay) and I imagine would also respond to the SAS transplant.
Good luck.