Best beer

Kokanee gets my nod.
The best beer I ever had was a Schlitz Malt Liquor. My best friend and I were hitch hiking across the U.S. and neglected to fill our canteen with water. It was September and hot. It had been way too long between rides and we were getting desperate. There was a tepid pool of a green colored marsh nearby I was ready to quench my thirst with, not caring about how sick I'd become. Finally someone pulled over and had us hop in the truck bed. We were relieved. The driver opened the sliding window to ask where we were heading and as I was telling him, I saw his friend hand him a Schlitz. There was one left. I told them of our idiot mistake, and that my friend and I would really enjoy sharing that last beer. Since then I've never had a beer taste as good as that one!
Abucktwoeighty,Good story! SML was the first beer I got really sick on,,think it was my second or third time drinking.
I'll second Sumpin' Wild, a really good call IMHO. Another interesting choice (that polarizes opinion on occasion) is Hollywood Blonde from The Great California Brewing Co. It's a Kolsch style that's brewed just a few miles from my home in nearby Chatsworth, Ca. (porn capitol of the world!)