Review: CH Technologies X15 power cord Power cord

Category: Cables

CH Technologies is owned by Craig Hampel in Champaign, Illinois. I've known Craig for about four years. At the time, Craig was working for Geoff Poor in Geoff's audio shop. Geoff is a partner in BAT (Balanced Audio Technology).

I hadn't seen Craig for about a year when I sold my Wadia 581se CD Player to an Audiogoner also living in Champaign, Illinois. He told me that Craig had perfected his cable line and was now selling them. Dale's system sounded really good and Dale suggested that I try them. I was pretty busy and never got around to giving Craig a call.

Then about four months later, I sold my HRS SX rack to another Audiogoner in Champaign, Illinois. Tom has a Wadia 781i CD Player like I have, and he said that he was also using CH Technologies cables. He told me that I should call Craig and give them a try. This time I did.

Craig sent me two X15 power cords and one set of X10 interconnects and one set of X20 interconnects. They took me completely by surprise! After all of the power cords and interconnects I've had ranging from $1,500.00 to $5,000.00, none do what Craig's power cords and interconnects do in my system.

The CH Technologies power cords and interconnects are the closest cables I've ever heard that don't have a sound at all. I heard more of music than I've ever heard coming out of my system, and it flows in the most natural state I've ever heard. I hear more minute details because it's so quiet. Along with this, those details seem to make every instrument sound more authentic than I've ever heard it in my system.

If you're looking to get closer to your music than you ever have before, I'd strongly recommend sendng Craig an email. Here's the email address of CH Technologies:


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My family and I enjoy our moderately high end system. We run an all digital system; Sound Application RLS Line Conditioner, Elrod Statement Gold (awaiting arrival), MAC Burley with Furtech plugs, Meridian 800, 861v6, 621, Oppo 93, MIT MA-X2 interconnects, MIT MA-X SHD Speaker cables, Pass XA-200.5 monos, 3 Pass X-250.5 (for theater), Wilson Sashas, Watch II center and sides and Snell Sub-1800 sub-woofer. We recently sold our CubII sides and will eventually replace them. Theater cables are mostly MIT; Oracle v2.1 center and M1's for sides and rears, with older MIT and Audioquest speaker cables for the sides, rear and sub-woofer. I list all this to qualify our system.
I have been reading this thread with keen interest.
I've been searching for a "good deal" on power cables - by this I mean power cables that compete with the best but not priced extremely high (~$8,500 or so). Seems like the CH Technologies X20 (and soon to be released updated X-20) power cords may be the answer.
I happen to stumble upon your post because a new friend recommended Silent Source Reference power cords, and after reading your post - I am humbled by your findings.
If I may, how do you find these to compare to Elrod Statement Gold power cord?
Jim Weil, the designer and manufacturer of Sound Application power conditioners developed his line conditioners using Elrod power cords, so I'm comfortable using the Gold Statement to feed it - but I'm looking for power cords to supply our digital components and power amplifiers. Any experience you can share would be greatly appreciated.
Kindest regards, Thomas Foti.

Hi Thomas,

If your system is moderately high end, I wish that my system was closer to yours.

Craig had to change the name from CH Technologies to CH Acoustic because CH Technologies was already in existence.

Here's his email address: or

and his website:

I've never had an Elrod power cord, so I don't have anything to help in that area, but Craig is familiar with David Elrod's cables and designs and can explain the similarities and differences in the power cords.

He usually has demo cables to send out so that someone may evaluate them in their own systems. I think that you'll be amazed at how much they can help your listening experience, They sound like they aren't there, so you really hear just how good your components are.

Shoot him an email and if there's anything else I can help with let me know.

Hi Tom, I just came across this thread as I'm interested in Sound Application products. Can we discuss?

I just saw your post and wanted to let you know I would be happy to help you anyway I can.

Contact me and we'll discuss SA power conditioners.

Kindest regards, TJF.