Review: Darwin Ascension Interconnect

Category: Cables

This review is for the Darwin Ascension interconnect, their premium
IC. They also offer a lower priced version called the Darwin Silver.

To understand why this cable is so effective, you have to look at the basic
design features - silver conductor, air dielectric, and low mass ends. This
kind of simplicity of design is just the opposite of most high end cables.
But this cable makes it clear - perfecting a simple design works much
better than those other, far more complicated designs. The trick is in preserving signal integrity over the entire length of the cable. The Darwin
Ascension does that better than any other interconnect I have ever had in
my system. Period.

Just a word about the importance of properly breaking in this cable. Like most silver cables, it takes quite a lot longer than copper based cables. I
would say 2 to 3 times as long to reach the full break in point. I broke the
Ascension in for 200 hours and found it to be about right. If you assume
the Ascension is fully broken in after 50 or 100 hours, it has quite a bit farther to go before reaching full performance capability.

And what is that full performance capability like? Like everything you've
ever wanted in an interconnect ... 3-dimensional sound stage, superb
inner detail within that sound stage, terrific localization, full, rich tonality,
realistic attacks, realist decays, amazing timbre ... the list goes on and on.
All the things you've ever wanted to hear - are there with the Darwin
Ascension interconnect. AND in perfect balance!

How many interconnects have been in and out of my system in my quest
for the perfect interconnect? Far more than I can possibly remember
since getting into audio. All the frustration with overhyped products,
costs way out of line with product quality, one disappointment after another ... on and on ... and on. All of that ends when you put a Darwin
Ascension cable into your system like I did in mine.

If you have been searching for "realism" when it comes to listening to
music, the Ascension delivers that realism like no other cable I have ever
heard. And for me, this is the perfect way to describe this outstanding
cable design - truly exceptional realism.

It is said that all cables have weaknesses. Really? Can't find any with
the Ascension. Everything you want is there. And everything you don't
want -- isn't there.

One of the ideas we are supposed to mention is that if money was no
object, would you still own this? My answer to that question is "YES"!
And I would feel really good about not spending several times the cost
of the Ascension for markedly less quality.

Just getting off the cable roller coaster is reason enough to own the
Darwin Ascension. At least it was for me. My long search for the
perfect interconnect is over. Listening to music has taken on a whole
new sense of satisfaction, using this very special cable.

Would love to hear what others think.
I had a chance to talk to John (Roxy54) this week and was pleased when he told me that after the extended break-in we advised with the Darwin Digital, it's a keeper. I'm sure John will chime in here soon enough. Most of our cables start fast but don't really peak and stay consistent until 200 hours—about 8-9 days. I find, too, that taking a rest during the process seems to have a positive effect. You don't have to play music for the entire time. Thanks, John, for the thoughtful call.
Hi Tony,
Tony is 100% correct. When I first bought his entry level silver digital interconnect, it was not so much that I was dissatisfied with my LAT International digital interconnect, but I had read the review here, visited the website, and I was intrigued by the design concept as well as the affordable price.
I liked its purity and treble extesion from day one, but it sounded light in the bass. For a couple of months I kept on switching back and forth between the Darwin and the LAT. One day, I put the Darwin back in, and realized that it was now all that I had expected and more. The bass was fleshed out fully, with better texture than the LAT, and everything else was pure and clean with great separation. If you are looking for hi-fi pyrotechnics, look elsewhere. If you are looking for naturalness and balance, this my be the one for you.
I don't know how the Ascension could sound much better, but I plan to find out when I can afford it. I would really love to try the cables.
It is refreshing to find this level of performance at sane pricing, even if I can't afford all of it right now.
Thanks Tony!
I just wanted to chime in here now that I just got my Darwin Ascension ICs.
Okay, enough hyperbole-just kidding, I meant it.

Having half the capacitance of the standard Silver ICs (which are no slouches) these Ascensions deliver in spades. Coherence, timing, that misnomer 'speed' which can now be used without guilt, detail, ambience, tighter firmer bass, oddles of nuance, you name it, it does it.

What these ICs give is a more complete end result, be the note, the separation, the phrasing, the accompaniment, the very back of the venue. I can now tell just how quickly the cymbal closes on Brubeck's "Take Five" and when the bassist lets the note go and splinter and then tightens up his grip, and all the background playing on "Build Me Up From Bones" by Sarah Jarosz which beforehand was nothing more than musical smoke ( there's so much going on there).

None of this great detail retrieval is at the expense of anything else nor is it highlighted or exaggerated. It's just there. Bravo!

If anyone is on the fence about getting these, then do what I did: sell off some old gear or eat less for awhile as I don't know how long Tony will offer this discount. On another note, now that I have all my ICs from Darwin, the regular silver ICs went on my Marantz tuner which sounded like one you'd find playing in someone's garage to a great way to listen to FM. Who says that nowadays?

All the best,
I just wanted to add to what Budmoe said about allowing a good 200 hours for these cables to sound their best. It's not to say that they don't sound great right out of the box, far from it.

When I chimed in with my thoughts I only had about 25-30 hours on them so I let my CDP on repeat for 24 hours and I was gobsmacked with what I heard. I'll probably have an epiphany at the 200 hour mark but so be it.

Anything I play simply sounds different and better, no matter how familiar I am with the recording. These cables can allow you to spend less on amp and source and still have a killer system. We always wonder if we're getting all we can from 16/44 redbook and now and then something comes along and improves on it enough for anyone with decent ears to sit up and take notice. That's how it is with these cables. One customer review on Darwin's website stated how everything sounds like HiRez with these cables. I thought it was hyperbole but now I agree.

All the best,