Review: Sony SCD-XA5400ES CD Player

Category: Digital

I love natural recordings that capture the full acoustic envelope of the performances. The Shostakovich Sonatas performed by Ax and YYMa comes to mind...the Sony portrays the entire event in such an unforced and natural manner that it triggers ones acoustic memory into believing it is real. A player that offers no tone color or openness would be my worst nightmare. I replaced my BAT VK D5 24 bit CDP and was amazed at how much resolution and color was lost on the older design. The Sony re-creates the space, music and acoustic tones with overtones so completely that you start to smile and realize that you have been given a great gift...a peak into the performance as it occured at the recording session. My opinion of the Sony applies as much for the redbook section as it does for the SACD section. This player will become a classic product for digital playback....much better it does not get! It's a keeper at any price,,,for $1500 USD it is a freakin steal. This is Sony's best effort to date and manages to break new ground in the digital domain:)

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Apparently, it is nearly impossible to find in Europe and that has created some annoyance over there.

Kal is correct...I didn't say it would be easy to find one! The US outlets seem to get orders filled within 2 weeks.
Oh yeah, almost forgot to mention, I owned a Meridian G08 and thought it to be uniquely one of the most a-musical players I have owned. Cold, sharp and grey sounding.
Possible to find in Germany from for ~1200euros incl. shipping. Just as many reviewers / buyers, I am impressed by the blend of qualities getting out of this player, and would go even further and say that it lost the "explosive" sound that Sony elements traditionally carry, to a more refined and measured experience. I use the XLR outputs to a Plinius pre/amp and a pair of Magicos, and am very pleased with SACD playback. CD playback is excellent too, although there is a very faint amount of sibilance likely associated with linear phase upsampling that could yet improve, but this is really a minor defect.
Hi Cyrilmartin! After a few months (depending on your play time), the XA5400ES becomes smoother, warmer and purer sounding with an increase in dynamic shadings. Also, the Sony is extremely extended and WILL show up any ancillary distortion introduced into the audio chain, whether it be from external or internal sources. I use a Transparent Reference MM Powerlink and MIT V1.2 IC's. If you don't address the power line noise and intercomponent distortions with your cabling, then there may remain some residual "sibilance", that you refer to.